The Connection Between Hormones and Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, people often say that if you limit your calorie intake and exercise more, you’re sure to start shedding pounds. But, in reality, numerous factors can influence your ability to lose weight, and it varies from person to person. Hormones, in particular, have a major impact on weight loss, especially as you age.  Below, we’ll discuss the connection between hormones and weight loss to help you achieve balance and work toward your goals.  Which Hormones Affect Weight Loss? Hormones are chemical messengers that your body produces and transports through the bloodstream to manage various bodily

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The Link Between Hormone Imbalances and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome goes (way) further than occasional tiredness or needing a power nap. It’s a complex disorder involving severe, persistent fatigue lasting at least six months. While chronic fatigue syndrome is notoriously difficult to diagnose and treat, understanding underlying contributors can help pave the way to normal energy levels.  Hormone imbalances are one possible cause of chronic fatigue syndrome. Read on to learn more! How Do Hormonal Imbalances Contribute to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Hormones are our bodies’ messengers, transporting various signs and signals to facilitate essential bodily processes. But, when certain hormones are thrown out of balance (whether due

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How Hormone Optimization Can Enhance Your Quality of Life

Hormones are a crucial pillar of overall health, helping to regulate many essential bodily functions. From sleep to sexual health, bone strength to metabolism, and everything in between, your hormonal balance can greatly affect your overall wellness. Unfortunately, the aging process can naturally throw off this delicate balance and ultimately compromise your quality of life.  With hormone optimization in Seminole, we can supplement important hormones that decline with age to alleviate uncomfortable symptoms and restore your sense of vitality. Read on to learn more!  What is Hormone Optimization? Hormone optimization involves supplementing hormones that tend to decline with age, including

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What to Expect Before, During, and After a Mona Lisa Touch Treatment

Mona Lisa Touch is a revolutionary laser treatment for menopause and vaginal atrophy. Unlike surgical methods, it rejuvenates the vaginal tissues without pain or side effects! In this article, we’ll discuss what to expect before, during, and after a Mona Lisa Touch session to help you effectively plan your treatment journey.  What to Expect Before Mona Lisa Touch Before your Mona Lisa Touch treatment, you’ll be advised to refrain from sexual intercourse for around 24 to 48 hours. You’ll also need to shower or bathe before arriving at our clinic to thoroughly clean the area, and wear loose-fitting clothing for

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How MonaLisa Touch Can Help Treat Vaginal Dryness and Atrophy

Vaginal dryness and atrophy are extremely common symptoms of menopause. Unfortunately, many women keep these concerns under wraps, as the topic may be viewed as taboo. Over time, this can diminish your comfort in intimate settings and even compromise your quality of life.  We’re here to pull back the veil on vaginal atrophy and talk about a non-surgical solution that can bring you relief: MonaLisa Touch! What is MonaLisa Touch? MonaLisa Touch in Seminole is a safe, clinically-proven, non-surgical treatment for symptoms of menopause and vaginal atrophy. It uses laser technology to stimulate tissue healing in the vagina. Since MonaLisa

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Common Myths About Sexual Health Debunked

Many people view sexual health as taboo, causing them to avoid the topic in most settings. While sexual health is certainly personal, increasing awareness of it can help prevent myths and misconceptions that could negatively affect your long-term health. Keep reading to discover common myths about sexual health, debunked! Older Adults Aren’t Sexually Active. Older adults remain interested in sex and are sexually active into their later years. If medical problems, like vaginal atrophy, make sex uncomfortable, a trusted physician can help you manage them. With the right treatments, it’s possible to regain comfort and satisfaction in intimate settings.  In

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How to Restore Vaginal Sensation

Just like the rest of your body, your vaginal tissues change over time. With age, fluctuating hormone levels and weakening tissue can diminish vaginal sensation, compromising your overall sexual satisfaction. Given that sexual health is an important pillar of wellness throughout adulthood, managing age-related vaginal changes is essential for our Seminole patients.  Read on to learn about our leading solutions to restore vaginal sensation.  Bioidentical Hormone Therapy As women age, their estrogen levels decline (and eventually drop off) in the phases of perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause. While menopause triggers a range of symptoms, it can diminish vaginal sensation by causing

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Causes of Low Sex Drive in Women

A healthy sex life is an important pillar of overall health, offering stress-relieving, anxiety-reducing, and immune-boosting benefits. Unfortunately, low sex drive is a prevalent issue – especially among women. An estimated 26.7% of premenopausal women and 52.4% of postmenopausal women report low sexual desire.  Understanding the possible causes of low sex drive in women can help you adjust your lifestyle and prioritize your sexual wellness. These causes include: Menopause As you may have guessed from the above statistic, menopause is a major cause of low libido in women. The drop in estrogen and testosterone levels during menopause tends to diminish

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Cortisol: What it Does and Why it Matters

Of all the body’s hormones, cortisol sparks particular interest in the health community. Also known as the “stress hormone”, cortisol plays a big part in your body’s reaction to stress and danger. But, left unchecked, it can have lasting consequences on your overall well-being.   In this article, we’ll explore exactly what cortisol does and how it can impact your health.  What Does Cortisol Do? Cortisol regulates the body’s stress response, also known as the “fight or flight” response. This helps you react to dangerous situations by boosting the brain’s ability to use glucose. Cortisol also slows down nonessential bodily functions

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5 Causes of Low Sex Drive in Women

Sexual wellness plays a significant role in your overall health. It promotes better sleep, stress relief, and even improved heart health. But, sex drive tends to fluctuate throughout life’s many seasons, especially for women.  Understanding the factors that contribute to low libido can help you protect and improve your sexual wellness. Let’s go over 5 prevalent causes of low sex drive in women: Fatigue The reason behind low sex drive can be as simple as a long, tiring day at work. Sex requires energy, and when you’re exhausted, this exertion simply isn’t as appealing. While occasional tiredness is inevitable, chronic

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