5 Causes of Low Sex Drive in Women

Sexual wellness plays a significant role in your overall health. It promotes better sleep, stress relief, and even improved heart health. But, sex drive tends to fluctuate throughout life’s many seasons, especially for women. 

Understanding the factors that contribute to low libido can help you protect and improve your sexual wellness. Let’s go over 5 prevalent causes of low sex drive in women:


The reason behind low sex drive can be as simple as a long, tiring day at work. Sex requires energy, and when you’re exhausted, this exertion simply isn’t as appealing. While occasional tiredness is inevitable, chronic fatigue can have a lasting impact on your libido.  


Stress can diminish your libido by keeping your mind occupied with work, finances, relationship problems, or other stressors. If stress becomes chronic, it can impact testosterone production, causing an even bigger disruption in your sex drive. 

Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety can cause low sex drive in women by reducing your energy levels, compromising your self-esteem, and affecting how you view your partner. Treating these mental health conditions can help restore your libido and overall well-being. 

Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness and pain during intercourse can lead to low sex drive. Whether caused by menopause, vaginal atrophy, or an underlying medical condition, vaginal discomfort may make you avoid or refrain from intercourse.

Treatments like MonaLisa Touch can restore the vaginal tissues and enhance your libido. 

Hormonal Changes and Age

Hormonal changes, especially during menopause, can lead to low sex drive. In menopause, levels of female sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) plummet. Women’s testosterone levels also fall with age. Considering that these hormones directly impact libido, their decline typically triggers a drop in sex drive. 

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in Seminole can improve your sex drive by restoring hormonal balance. Reach out to us today to book your appointment!